Our core

element is completely open source and can be found on Github. See Documentation > Installation for more information.

We have relied on the existence of several other projects, most of which are also open source, to get up and running.


Web server

The Apache http web server is so ubiquitous it's easy to take for granted ...
It's just ... always there for us...
Thanks Apache!

Apache →


Template engine

Smarty sits near the heart of this framework, and it's existence prevented several (more) hours of work to get this up and running.
Keep up the good work!

Smarty →


WAMP/LAMP Stack for Development

XAMPP makes it easy to throw up a WAMP/LAMP stack, and is a wonderful development tool.
Apache friends, you rock!



Image manipulation software

When you need to make a logo or edit an image, and you don't want to remortgage your soul ... bring out the GNU Image Manipulation Program!


Visual Studio Code

Code editor

An open source offering from the big boys (Microsoft), this is a lightweight and beautiful coding environment with tons of extensions
Keep on devving!

Visual Studio Code →


Version control

Ok, this one isn't open source, but it would be remiss not to mention this integral part of so many devs lives!

Github →