
Option 1 - Github

Clone or download the Github Repository

Option 2 - Composer

  1. If you haven't already done so, install Composer
  2. Create a directory in your webspace to contain your files
  3. Create a file named composer.json. See example below (name is optional and can be changed)
  4. Open command prompt or terminal, cd to directory and input the following command (without quotes)
    • Windows: 'composer install'
    • Other: 'php composer.phar install'

composer.json example

    "name" : "element",
    "require": {
        "elementphp/element": "dev-master"
    "minimum-stability": "dev",
    "prefer-stable": true

Option 3 - element assistant

This is new and currently in BETA.

Currently, only the Windows version is available, with Linux and Mac versions to follow.

The assistant can setup and update the framework and create models from database tables.

Windows Installer

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